Wednesday 4 November 2009

Christianity plagiarized the Christ story

Here is more proof that the entire fundament of Christianity is a fraud.

Christianity cannot stand up as a philosophical belief unless the story of Christ’s life – birth, ministry, death, resurrection, role as savior – also stands up factually.

There is little dispute that he lived, preached in Jerusalem , threw a fit in the Temple , and was executed for it. But all of the other stuff was fiction: it was plagiarized from the Egypt myth-makers.

The Egyptian god Horus existed centuries before Christ. Horus was the only begotten son of God, born of the virgin Isis-Meri and Seb, of royal descent; his birth was announced by an angel, heralded by a star, witnessed by shepherds and celebrated thereafter in December. Herut tried to murder him but God told his mother to flee. His life story is a blank from age 12 to 30, whereupon he is baptized in a river by a prophet who was beheaded, and resists temptation in the desert. He probably had 12 disciples, delivered a sermon on a hill, cared for the hungry, healed the blind and sick, walked on water, and raised al-Asar from the dead. He was probably crucified with two thieves, descended into hell, and his resurrection, after three days, was announced by women. He was regarded as a god and savior of humanity, the shepherd and the fisher of men.

So not only is the central myth of the New Testament a fiction, it is flagrantly plagiarized fiction. They didn’t even concoct their own myths, they stole someone else’s.

And unless the mission and divinity of Christ are based in fact, Christian belief falls apart.


Rozmarija Grauds said...

There is zero contemporary evidence of any such figure having existed either in Jewish records or Roman records. As you say, the story was spun from Horus and perhaps other previous deities.We count our years from that era because it was a sudden shift in prevailing culture, varied peoples crossing each other's paths, economic boom in the Roman Empire , more people literate, so on. Imaginations were fired, the old gods fading becase their followers were spread out,time for some new excitement. Virgins were always a draw.Shazam, celestial portent. Actually, astronomers say there was a bright configuartion of stars in that region around Augyst 6 BCE.

HelloDollyLlama said...

Hey, I'm the atheist here, and even I admit that it's more logical to assert that Jesus lived, than that even his very existence was made up.

Anonymous said...

ALL religious systems deserve to be evaluated by the pragmatic test of their functional significance for human society. The extent to which they meet the actual needs of individuals and groups in a given period is the measuring rod to be used in estimating their worth. Modern historical study has taught us to view the phenomena of religion in relation to the evolution of the human race and to regard all religious systems, without exception, as socially conditioned products. This applies equally to Christian and to non-Christian systems, and to religions of attainment or religions of redemption like the mysteries. Any given cult that is a going concern develops its peculiar characteristics in response to certain vital demands that are put upon it by society, and these demands, in turn, are but the more or less articulate expression of certain basic social interests that are dominant at that particular period. Hence, in order to understand the needs and desires which found satisfaction in mystery initiations, it is necessary to take a broad view of the general social situation in the Graeco-Roman world and to define, if possible, the outstanding religious interests of Mediterranean peoples in the first century of the Christian era.
But the masses of men did not become, irreligious by any means. Instead, they turned to religions of another type and sought satisfactions of a different variety. Their quest was no longer for a god powerful enough to save the state but rather for one who was benevolent enough to save the individual. Oracles were consulted, not so often in the interest of the community but more frequently for the guidance of the individual in his personal affairs. More than ever before the home became a temple and the daily life of the family was filled with the paraphernalia of piety. The shrines of healing gods were overcrowded, and magicians, who were considered the chief mediators of divine power, carried on a thriving business.

Learn about Mystery Religions on