Wednesday, 6 May 2009

GOP defends tax cheats: so where are the teabaggers?

A few weeks ago, the teabaggers were out on the streets, screeching that Obama was taxing them too much, even though Obama had just cut their taxes.

Now Obama is stepping forward on tax policy again. He is moving to stop corporations from using overseas tax havens and/or shipping jobs overseas, which means the rest of us can pay less taxes and have our jobs protected. That’s what Obama is trying to do: the GOP is trying to prevent him from doing it.

So are all these anti-tax tea-baggers going to come out into the streets and condemn the GOP for blocking an effort which will reduce their taxes?

Of course not. Because the tea party nonsense was never really about taxes. It was about artificially whipping up hysteria, fear and hate against Obama.

So it’s time to call a spade a spade. They’re not protesting about taxes. They’re protesting Obama because they hate him and they can’t accept that he won the election fair and square.

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